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TeaTime4Tots VIRTUAL sessions for caregivers and Little ones (0-5 years old)

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Follow us here or on Facebook for this FREE content series and to join the 12 day challenge! #TT4TToddlerTalks

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Day 12: Gratitude 

GRATITUDE: The 12 Days of Christmas "Toddler Talks"


Day 12: Gratitude:


With the season of giving upon us, we wanted to touch on this common topic of Gratitude and gratefulness. Teaching your little one the complex concept of being grateful can best be done through example. Saying things such as “thank you”, “ I appreciate you”, and discussing the concept of thankfulness and giving can go a long way for a child. One way you can teach this concept to your little one is by reading or watching “The Christmas Shoes” and then discussing and encouraging them to “give” or “do” for others. Today we challenge you to do for someone else and involve your child in the concept of gratitude!


The Christmas Shoes:





Day 11: Forgiveness 

FORGIVENESS: The 12 Days of Christmas "Toddler Talks"


Day 11 Forgiveness:


Remember when Santa let all the other reindeer pick on Rudolph for his shiny nose? None of the reindeer ever let Rudolph play in any of the reindeer games? But then Rudolph saved Christmas with his shiny nose?! This story provides a few

“teachable moments”! Rudolph forgave all the reindeer for not including him, and was able to save the day! Even though his feelings may have been hurt, he was able to forgive them. This story also gives you the opportunity to discuss with your child the concept of inclusion and how important it is to not judge someone that may be different from you! Today we challenge you

and your little one to explore the concept of forgiveness.



Day 10: Kindness 

KINDNESS: The 12 Days of Christmas "Toddler Talks"


Day 10 Kindness:


Today we talk about something that every parent/ caregiver hopes to instill into their child: KINDNESS! All 12 days of Christmas count- down contribute to this one big, important concept! Talking to your little one about making “good

choices” or “doing what is kind” can be a great way for them do develop the understanding of right from wrong, good from bad. Having reflective conversations with your little one to identify what may have been not so kind and guiding them to understanding what would have been better is so important!


Today we challenge you and your little one to perform at least ONE random act of kindness, just because and explain to them why you are doing it and how it can make the recipient feel.


Here are a few ideas:

- Making cards or pictures for nursing homes or hospitals

- Leaving “Secret Santa” gifts for your friends

- Delivering coffee or hot coco to someone unexpectedly

- Sending/ drawing Christmas cards

- Making cookies for others

- Donating unused toys or clothes

- Caroling for your neighbors

- Leaving goodies or cards for the postal workers

- Making goodie packages to donate for those in need

- Making gifts and wrapping them for your loved ones

- Face timing or calling loved ones and asking them how they are


Enjoy the day, share stories and photos with us if you decide to join in the challenge! #tt4ttoddlertalks


Day 9: Family 

FAMILY: The 12 Days of Christmas "Toddler Talks"


Day 9 Family:


This year’s Holiday season “family time” may look different than other years, however this is still a great time to talk about who your family is, what family means and why family is important with your little one. The concept of family is everywhere; movies, tv shows, stories, Christmas cards, family photo albums etc.

Also understanding that family can also look different for everyone, and that is important to help your little one understand through discussion (teachable moments)!

Today we challenge you and your little one to make a “Family Christmas Tree”. Share photos of your family Christmas tree with your family members, I'm sure it will bring some happiness to family especially if you won't be seeing them this holiday season. #tt4ttoddlertalks


Day 8: Friendship 

FRIENDSHIP: The 12 Days of Christmas "Toddler Talks"


Day 8 Friendship:


The concept of friendship can be challenging to teach to a little one, but oh so rewarding! Teaching your little one social skills and social interactions is important to start early. Having siblings can be so helpful in this, but play groups, pre-school, virtual socialization, and demonstrating social skills are other great ways to develop this concept with your child. Role playing with your little one is a great strategy to accompany new concepts, talking about what a good friend is, and then pretend playing those situations with your little one will resonate so well! Today we challenge YOU to be a good friend to your little one, listen to them, talk to them, get on their level and appreciate them!




Day 7: Manners 

Manners: The 12 Days of Christmas "Toddler Talks"


Day 7 Manners:


Pretty please keep tuning in to our 12 days of Christmas Count- down!


Today we talk about teaching your little one manners. This concept is another that is best taught through example and reminders, the first and most basic step to teaching manners is helping your child to understand what and when to use them! First showing your little one what should be said after someone provides or gives them something, and then using the infamous “What do you say” reminder will help your little one make good manners a good habit. Today we challenge you and your little one to do one of these activities or songs to teach and encourage good manners.




Day 6: Patience

Patience: The 12 days of Christmas "Toddler Talks"


Day 6 Patience:


Waiting your turn, waiting for mom to finish something, “in a little bit” etc. is such a challenging task for toddlers. When teaching patience remind yourself that little ones have no concept of time. Making the amount of “wait” time visible and able to be understood is a huge part of teaching patience. Some suggestions would be a kitchen egg timer, a sand timer, a clock where you can adjust the hands to mark a “waiting time”. Additionally, remind yourself that teaching complex concepts to toddlers can be challenging, so have patience when teaching a child how to be patient! Today we challenge you to focus on being patient, when you begin to feel frustrated or overwhelmed, take a deep breath and model patience with your little one. Then have that conversation with your kiddo, “mommy got upset, but I took a deep breath and reminded myself to be patient”. Here are some additional tips, tricks and activities for teaching a toddler patience:




Day 5: Respect 

RESPECT: The 12 Days of Christmas "Toddler Talks"


Day 5 Respect:

Consistent with all of the 12 Days of Toddler Talk topics, it is important to first identify what the meaning of the concept/ word is, and explain/ demonstrate what that concept looks like. Respect is one that may need extra explaining; it is the idea of thinking positively about yourself and others and showing that you care about yourself and others through your actions. Sometimes pointing out a respectful act vs. a disrespectful act can help to develop this concept for little ones. A great Christmas classic that provides a lot of examples of being

respectful AND disrespectful is “The Grinch”, throughout this story you can even share with your little one how the Grinch’s actions are changed. Today we challenge you to teach this concept of respect to your little one by watching “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and having that teaching conversation!




Day 4: Courage

COURAGE: The 12 Days of Christmas "Toddler Talks"


Day 4 Courage:

Today’s concept tows a fine line of too much and not enough; COURAGE. Of course every parent wants their child to feel courageous, enough to speak up for themselves, to try new things, to explore and be adventurous, however the fear of your little one’s safety also needs to be addressed in this concept. Courage can be taught in lots of little ways, trying a new food, or experience, encouraging explorative play while outside or at the playground, encouraging expression of thoughts and feelings. Using phrases like “That was so brave”, “I’m really proud

of you for XYZ”, “You can do it, you are courageous” are great ways to develop your child’s self-esteem and feelings of courage! Here is a short video that provides a few teachable moments of courage, and maybe too much courage, but get your tissues! Today we challenge you to encourage your little one to try something new, and tell them how brave it was of them to give it a try!




Day 3: Listening

Listening: The 12 Days of Christmas "Toddler Talks"


Day 3 Listening:


Listening is an important social skill to teach your little one! Sometimes this one can be frustrating, because they just don’t listen to what you have to say! Some tips for behavior strategies that we suggest for teaching listening is to be clear and to the point, have them repeat what you’ve said back, and don’t argue back with them! Teaching listening skills through games and activities is a good way to develop this important ability, that may be a little less stressful for you as the caregiver. Today we challenge you to play a game of “Santa Says” with your child! Who says that Santa can’t say, “clean up your toys”





Day 2: Sharing

Sharing: The 12 Days of Christmas "Toddler Talks"


Day 2 Sharing:


“Peace on Earth, give me presents”. As a child, this phrase was thrown around for us on Christmas when we were being a little too greedy! It was a simple catch phrase that would remind us to share with our siblings and appreciate what we had gotten. With Santa coming tonight, sharing is a great last concept to address! This concept takes some role playing, modeling and practice, especially when there are siblings involved. “A Christmas Carol” is a great example of what the joy of sharing can do for someone, even grumpy old scrooge! Today, we challenge you to discuss the concept of sharing with your little one, and come up with a plan of how they can share some of their Christmas joy tomorrow!





Day 1: Happiness

Sharing: The 12 Days of Christmas "Toddler Talks"


Day 1 Happiness:


“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!” Today we talk about the concept of joy, cheer, happiness, something we wish for and ask our little ones to be often. Feelings are a complex concept for little ones, bad feelings especially, but good ones as well! Helping your little one understand what a feeling is, and then showing them appropriate ways to express those is a pertinent social skill. Some ways to work on this with your little one would be through feeling cards, a daily feeling check in or journal, or feeling reflecting. Happiness is a feeling that is easily shown through a smile, laugh, hug or word expression, be sure to help your child link those actions with the feeling of joy! Today we challenge you to work with your little one to identify 5 things, people or places that make them happy! And some Christmas singing to spread cheer is also always encouraged!





Follow us on Facebook to join the 12 day challenge! #TT4TToddlerTalks

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